25th Anniversary National Show Gallery

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2024 CPS Lifetime Achievement Award


Purpose of the Award

To recognize individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the Society’s activities

Award Criteria

Individuals nominated must have given of themselves to promote the Peony in any combination of the following ways:

  • ambassador
  • author
  • editor
  • grower
  • hybridizer
  • board member
  • donation of roots to gardens which are open to the public
  • organizer of major society activities
  • member in good standing

Nomination Process

  • Any member of the Society may nominate any other member of CPS by writing a letter to the board outlining the reasons for the nomination.
  • The deadline for this year’s nominations is April 4, 2024
  • Submit nominations to Awards Committee c/o Darlene Kalawsky at

Who We Are

We are a Society dedicated to the growth and development of Peonies. We are always looking for new members and enthusiasts to join the Society, so join us and come and share your passion!

Support The Society

Support the Canadian Peony Society. Click the "Donate" button below. Enter the amount you wish to donate in Canadian dollars. You have the option of paying using any major credit card or by Paypal.

Contact Info

Canadian Peony Society
4338 Line 26
St. Pauls, ON N0K 1V0